Hi Everyone
Today, I am going to explain a bit how I decorated this two-tiered tiger print cake and then, a bit about how I can improve the look from a nice cake to a fabulous cake. Hopefully, the idea can help you to re-create the animal print cakes at home.
Here is my first attempt at making an animal print cake for my friend's beloved mum's 80th birthday celebration. Now I have time to review my own work, I think I can make it even more natural next time (to trust my skills even more).
As I have no much confidence to paint the animal prints (one mistake can ruin the whole cake); I used my new found zebra print mold from Marvellous Mold this time. I was told to change the colour tone from back and white to orange and black in order to showcase the tiger prints. I then randomly arranged the stripes on the cake.
While I am writing this story, I realised that I have two more ways to create this cake and make the tiger prints more realistic. I can apply the skills to different animal prints in the future.
Method 1 (Beginner):
1. Download the animal print you want online.
2. Cut out the stripes or shapes.
3. Roll out the fondant/gumpaste 1/4" in thickness.
4. Place the striped/shaped template on the fondant/gumpaste.
5. Cut fondant around the template.
6. Stick on the cake.
Method 2 (Professional):
1. Purchase the animal print stencil wherever you can find it from a cake decorating store or a craft shop (I found one but it took one month to deliver so I didn't use this method this time)
2. Wrap the stencil around the cake
3. Spray edible ink over the (this requires a bit of skills and more professional tools like a spray gun).
Otherwise, google online and they are so many cake professions demonstrating how to create cakes like these.
This is also the first time I made all these adorable candy coated cake pops (I normally use fondant to cover and decorate them). The reason was I always burn my candy melts. Thanks to www.divascancook.com for her detailed explanation how to work on the candy melts. I had a great success of making my tiger print cake pops. Jeremy ate two at the party.
I have two more cakes I want to share with you soon. Until then, back to attend my two little koalas.
Thank you for stopping by.
Happy baking
Beth xoxo